
Showing posts from October, 2017

Kenapa Bangsa Viking ada Tulisan Nama "Allah" di Pakaian Mereka?

Peneliti di Swedia telah menemukan karakter Arab yang ditenun menjadi kostum penguburan dari kuburan kapal Viking. Penemuan tersebut menimbulkan pertanyaan baru tentang pengaruh Islam di Skandinavia, tulis wartawan Tharik Hussain.

Dream Of Blind

Blind BLIND If you dream that you are blind, this indicates a sudden change from richness to extreme poverty. If you see others blindly, this indicates that a prominent person will limp on you for help. موسوعة تفسير الأحلام (ص: 12، بترقيم الشاملة آليا) أعمى

Meaning; Dream Of Fruit Seller

Dream Fruit Seller If you dream of a fruit seller, this means that you will try to recover your loss very quickly. They will accuse you of unsuccessful trading speculation.

Dream Of The Nose

The nose 1.        It is the center of the sense of smell, connecting to the air hull and smells. And the nose in a dream D on the money borne by a man or a father or a child or a brother or a husband or partner or a worker, it is good nose in a dream was evidence of the good case of those who mentioned us, and blackness or large Dal on coercion and oppression. And inhaling the smell of good evidence of the high level of good and good. 2.        The abundance of noses in a dream in the face is evidence of comfort, children and followers. If he sees that his nose is made of iron or gold, it indicates that he is committing a crime because of a crime he commits, because the heads of the crimes cut off their noses. If the seer is a merchant and sees his nose as gold or silver, this indicates his fortune and the abundance of his profits. 3.        Perhaps the nose delineated up from the human news on the Messenger's tongue. 4.        Perhaps the nose is pointing at the spy

طلب المزيد من العلم

الفصل الأول : في الحثِّ على الازدياد من العلم والتبحُّر فيه في نزول أوَّل آيةٍ في القرآن، وهي قوله تعالى: (اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ) [العلق/ 1] من الدَّلالات والمعاني ما لا يمكن حصرُه، ويُفهم من قوله: (اقْرَأْ) وهو فعل أمر من (قَرَأ) الأمر الجازم الحازم بالقراءة، والحث على تعلمها وتعليمها(1)، وفي هذه اللفتة غَناء عن كلام كثير في هذا الموضوع. أمر النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - بالزيادة من العلم ثم جاءَ الأمرُ القرآني الآخر، لتأكيد القضيّة وانلحث على طلب المزيد من العلم، فقال الله -تعالى-: (وَلا تَعْجَلْ بِالْقُرْآنِ مِن قَبْلِ أَن يُقْضَى إِلَيْكَ وَحْيُهُ وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا) [طه/ 114]. قال ابن القيم -رحمه الله-: ((وكفى بهذا شرفًا للعلم.، أن أمرَ نبيَّه أن يسأله المزيدَ منه))(2) اهـ. وقال ابن كثير في ((تفسيره))(3): ((أي: زدني منك علمًا، قال ابنُ عُيينة __________ (1) انظر: ((شواهد في الاعجاز القرآني)): (ص/ 84) للأستاذ عودة أبو عودة. (2) ((مفتاح دار السعادة)): (1/ 223- 224). (3) (3/ 175)، وانظر: ((روح المعاني)): (16/ 269) للآلوسي. -رحمه ا

Dream of Rape

Rape It is in a dream indicates the corrupt contract for those who wanted to: Marry or  Money, or what was the origin of riba, and riba is invalid, The Almighty said: (Do not eat your money between you falsehood), and rape from the falsehood.

Dream of Bowels

BOWELS If you dream of a human heart, this indicates misery and despair that will put you in every hope of happiness. If you dream of a predatory animal, this symbolizes the overthrow of your arch enemy. If someone else's intestines are torn, this symbolizes harsh persecution that strengthens your personal interests. If you dream of your love you will be overwhelmed by the most desperate. If you dream of your baby's bosom, this symbolizes that your baby's death or death is about to happen.