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Gadolinium is a silvery white metal of a REE.
Discovered by Swissscientist Jean de Marginak 1880. And designated item on behalf ofthe world's Johann Jadulin Finn.
There gadolinium with other REE in the mineral Gadulinic.
There gadolinium with other REE in the mineral Gadulinic.
And is sometimes used in control rods for nuclear reactors to absorb neutrons, as a result of the reactor inside. The chemical symbol Gd, and atomic number 64, atomic weight 157.25. Having the force of magnetism at room temperature, but loses Magntesih when heated slightly.
And melts at a temperature of 1313 °, and boils at 3273 degrees C °. And density 7.886 g / cm § at a temperature of 25m °.
Mousuah al-'arabiyah al-'alamiyah