Yuri Alekseyevich

Gagarin, Yuri Alekseevich (1934 - 1968 AD). 

Pilot in the Soviet Air Force (formerly), was the first person to fly in space. Gagarin House on the ground in 12 of the month of April 1961, faster than 400.27 km / hour. 

Continued his journey from the moment of launch to landing an hour and forty-eight minutes, remained his spaceship Vostok 1 orbit in 1.89 minutes. At the highest point, Gagarin was at an altitude of 327 km from the earth. Died in a plane crash in 1968.
Gagarin was born near Dzhatsk, west of Moscow. Enrolled in vocational training schools and technical, and graduated from the training center, military students of the Soviet Air Force. 

Mousuah al-'arabiyah al-'alamiyah

Tips Cooks Love: Over 500 Tips, Techniques, and Shortcuts That Will Make You a Better Cook! (Paperback)

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