باب المساجد ومواضع الصلاة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

عن أبي ذر رضي الله عنه قال: قلت يا رسول الله أي مسجد وضع في الأرض أول قال المسجد الحرام قلت ثم أي قال المسجد الأقصى قلت كم بينهما قال أربعون سنة وأينما أدركتك الصلاة فصل فهو مسجد
رواه مسلم
باب المساجد ومواضع الصلاة
Abu Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him, reported
I asked: Messenger of Allah, which mosque was set up first on the earth? He said: Al-Masjid Al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque). I (again) asked: Then which next? He said: It was the Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem mosque). I (again) asked: How long the space of time (between their setting up)? He (the Holy Prophet) said: It was forty years. Whenever the time comes for the Prayer, pray wherever you are, for that is a mosque.
Sahih Muslim

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