Contoh surat permohonan pengiriman Buku Gratis dari HakikatKitabevi Turkey

All praisè be to Allahu ta'ala,and may the best of prayers be upon His beloved Prophet,Muhammad 'alaihi's-salam,upon his Ahl al-bait,and all his Companions!

We look much book at our collage.We have read same of it and We get much that we hope you sending some of books it is:
1.Hasyiah syaikh zadahu 'ala tafsiril qazhil baizawi.(juz'ul au'walu,sani,salis,war-rabi'u.
2.other books

WHY DID THEY BECOME MUSLIMS?Thank you very much for your helping for that all.

Fauzil mubarraq Usman (Teacher
Of LPI MUDI Mesjid  Raya.


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